Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Armed Robbery at Trinity

    As the local news ambassador, I decided to blog about an event that has been on all of our minds: the armed robbery on Monday night.  On Monday night, Campus Safety Office Assistant Jorge Lugo sent out an email stating that "at approximately 9:45 pm, an armed robbery occurred on the upper  longwalk, near the Northam arch."  Although we have already received numerous emails from campus safety informing us about robberies, car break ins and other disturbances, this robbery was by far the scariest to hear about.  I can personally say that after reading the email I was terrified!  I cannot imagine the stress and fear that must have been running through the guy's mind when he was being robbed.  Because I'm from a small town, living in Hartford and constantly hearing the sound of sirens and receiving these emails about crimes has been a huge change for me.  I am accustomed to always feeling safe in my environment, and I believe it is something that we as students all deserve.  

   Since my arrival to campus, I have seen many Hartford residents on campus. I see kids ridding their bikes and people walking around on campus on all the time, and for the most part all of the people I have encountered have been friendly.  I'm from a college town, and the three colleges in town are open for the public.  Townspeople definitely utilize the availability of the colleges to walk around on the campuses, eat meals at the dining commons and use the libraries.  The relationship between college students and locals is very good.  I know that relations between Trinity and Hartford are strained and that the college strives to strengthen their relationship with the city through community service groups.  However, I think that incidents like the armed robbery is what makes Trinity students hesitant about leaving campus and dislike the are surrounding campus.  It's sad for us to have to fear being robbed when we're walking around campus at night, because this is our campus where we will be living for four years and we deserve to feel safe and comfortable.  I hope that campus safety finds a way to better monitor our campus at night so that fewer instances like this robbery occur.  But until then, stay safe guys!!!  Use the buddy system!!!         


At November 2, 2011 at 7:22 PM , Blogger MaryLiz said...

Laura, this campus safety advisory scared me too! After living in a quiet suburban neighborhood my whole life, it's difficult to get adjusted to living in an urban environment. You're right that we do deserve to feel safe at college, and for the most part, I do. I think that campus safety does a good job of monitoring the campus. But like you said, we just need to use common sense when walking around, especially at night!


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